Overall if you think of steps, a First Year/beginner Analyst would be someone who's out of college or MBA and you ask them to look through a report. They'd ask you what they should focus on, and you'd tell them. Then they'd read through the entire report and diligently report to you the key things that you asked for. As they progress more, you can give them different types of documents and ask them to fill in what information is needed. But as you go forward, you will ask more of an Analyst. You'll ask them "ok so you've told me the 'what' is in there, but why didn't you tell me the 'so what?' I need you to tell me if there are issues and if there's any follow up needed." That would be a more experienced/2nd year (or later) Analyst - someone who can actually do something and tell you next steps and what else might be needed for you to have a good outcome. A great Analyst would have this information, package it up to you in context, provide the contact information and perhaps even write the email draft for you to send requesting the next step. Now imagine we have that, and it can do all that for you based on the information that's uploaded. It takes out the guesswork and you can just review and send.